Curriculum Vitae
Please find a downloadable version of my CV here: Nick_Lemke_CV.pdf


  1. Ph.D. Student (current position)

    MEC-Lab, TU Darmstadt
    • Research on resource constrained AI
    • Supervisor: Anirban Mukhopadhyay
  2. Research Assistant

    MEC-Lab, TU Darmstadt
    • Implementation of a federated NCA training
    • Supervisor: John Kalkhof, Mirko Konstantin, Jonathan Stieber
  3. Working Student

    Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt
    • Implementation of a parallel packing algorithm for 3D printing
    • Supervisor: Alan Brunton
  4. Research Assistant

    MEC-Lab, TU Darmstadt
    • Implementation and evaluation of a Continual Learning algorithm
    • Supervisor: Camila González
  5. Private Tutoring

    • High school level
    • Computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, english


  1. Ph.D. Resource-constrained AI

    TU Darmstadt
  2. M.Sc. in Computer Science

    TU Darmstadt
  3. B.Sc. in Computer Science

    TU Darmstadt
Awards and Achievements
Winner of AI Competition Wettbewerb KI in der Medizin
TU Darmstadt ∙ September 2023
Classification and onset detection of seizures in EEG recordings.
Second place in the Hackathon ProKI
TU Darmstadt, Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology, Fraunhofer LBF, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Freudenberg Group ∙ November 2023
Predicting a wear and tear index for milling tools.